Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Drinking Games...

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

With summer officially in full swing and temperatures around the country on the rise, it's important to stay hydrated, and that is what I am going to dedicate this week to. Today we are going to go over some fun "drinking games" (fooled you with the post title didn't I?) that you can do to stay hydrated.

One of the most important things to think about when drinking water, is just how much water your body needs in order to be properly hydrated. While doing the research for this topic, I came across an astoundingly unbelievable statistic, and that is that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated! At first I couldn't believe that, with the number of drinks available to us at any convenience store, and even whole aisles of grocery stores dedicated to drinks, there is no reason for us to be dehydrated. But if you think about it, a lot of people drink throughout the day, but don't drink the right things. We will get in that later this week.

On a daily basis, use this chart to see just how much water you should be drinking. Now, for those of us who's weight is not on this chart, A simple way to find out just how much water you should be drinking a day is to take your weight (mine is 359.4 lbs as of yesterday) and divide it by two to get the number or ounces of water per day that you should be drinking. So for myself, I should be drinking 179.7 ounces of water per day, which equates to about 7.5 24oz bottles of water, or 1 gallon of water! I find it hard to drink 3 bottles a day!

Here are a few of my favorite ways to keep track of how much water I drink:

Time your water breaks. If you are like me and aren't a naturally thirsty person, it is important to remind yourself to drink water. One of the best ways to do this is with a visual reminder, like these two bottles.

I really like the one above, because it just makes it more fun to drink water, and if you start off with an actual gallon, it's easier to see just how much water you have had and how much you need to drink to finish.

Now, if a visual reminder isn't enough for you, you might want to set a reminder in your phone to go off every hour and match it with your bottle to make sure that you get all of the water you need.

Tomorrow we will talk a little bit about why hydration is so important, especially when you are trying to lose weight.

Stay hydrated!

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