Thursday, October 29, 2015

11 days...

Happy Thursday everyone!

Only 11 more days until my surgery! Last night the reality of that really hit me. I normally suffer from insomnia, but usually just listening to a movie on my laptop very quietly with the screen turned off keeps my mind focused on something and helps me fall asleep. Well The Aristocats was no help last night. 

List after list after list just kept running through my head! What do I need to do before my surgery? What do I need to get for post op? My mind would not stop making lists! It's safe to say that I'm very tired this morning, especially since I get up at 5:30 to be at work by 7. 

I'm so excited! I can't wait!

Let the final countdown begin!!!


Monday, October 26, 2015

Due to medical necessity...

Happy Monday everyone!

This is my first full week at my new job. So far it seems like it's going to be something I really like the people I work with are great, I love the commute, and the pay is great. Plus I can relocate to NorCal in the future if I so choose as they have branches down there. 

I got the call late last week that my insurance has approved my surgery! Today marks exactly 2 weeks until the day, but today is also the original surgery date. I also got a letter in the mail from my insurance approving my surgery "due to medical necessity." 

A few months ago I went on a tirade about how some insurance sees this surgery as elective still. It's refreshing to see that my insurance sees the medical necessity of it! I could not have this surgery if they didn't. 

Comparatively inexpensive (my two back surgeries last year were almost $150,000), this is still about a $15,000 surgery. 

I can't wait. I'm so excited to take my life back. I can't wait to hike and shop for normal clothes. I just can't wait to not be Hungry all the time! 

Have a great day everyone!

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Happy Thursday/Seahawks game day everyone!

I feel so bad for not writing anything in forever! I had been working my butt off at Wyndham and hated it. I am excited to say that I am starting a new job today. I was excited last night that I couldn't sleep. I like the pay, I like the hours, I like the location. It's going to be a great day. 

I am currently getting over a cold, but I'm happy I got it now instead of getting sick around my surgery date. Due to the lateness of my Cobra insurance kicking in, my surgery date was rescheduled for November 9th. I got the call a few days ago that insurance approved everything, so I am good to go! 

I can hardly believe that the culmination of 8 months of hard work is finally coming to a close. In all reality, the hard work is just starting, but this is the tool that I need to make my journey successful. It's so nice to finally see my family coming on board with the surgery. They were not supportive at first, but having medical professional friends explain the successes of the surgery to them has really helped! 

I promise to write more, and the countdown to THE DAY stands at 18 days! 

Have a great day! Go HAWKS!! 

Sunday, October 4, 2015

And So It Begins

Happy Sunday everyone! 

I know I've been awol for a while. I've  been working a lot and actively looking for a new job. My Uncle also recently lost his battle with cancer after nearly a decade of fighting as hard as he could. It's been a long few days. 

I've also been in this weird state of wanting to eat as much junk food as I can before my surgery. I know it's bad, but to me it was a way of saying goodbye to the old me. 

Last night we had a family dinner/rememberance for my Incle, and yesterday was my last day of normal eating before starting my pre-op diet. I had the perfect last meal of Mac and cheese with bacon and mushrooms, crab and lobster. It was amazing. 

Today I started my pre-op diet. 3-4 protein shakes a day and one lean cuisine meal a day until October 26, my official surgery date!! It's going to be a long few weeks, but I know that it's going to make my chances of success that much higher. 

Here's to the struggle ahead!